I mentioned that there would be some benefits for you from my partnership with Dr. Randy Vogenberg at Healthcare Business & Insurance Institute while I’m transitioning my clients to Access Market Intelligence, our new joint venture. Because of our partnership, I’m able to offer you a special opportunity for two new classes being offered by HBI. As a current knowsource community member, I’d like to extend to you the chance to register early for these live, one-day certificate courses. Here are more details on the classes:
Benefit Design Impact on Market Access Strategy provides a deeper understanding of how benefit design and market access strategy combine in their impact in terms of packaging data, objectives, and insights. In this class, we’ll cover:
- The implications benefit design may have on the market in the bigger scheme of things.
- The impact the changing healthcare and pharmaceutical market will have on your market access.
- How to increase access to your clients through an understanding of benefit design.
This class will be offered in Bedminster, NJ, on October 15, 2014, and in Chicago, Illinois, on November 13, 2014. Because seating is limited, reserve your space today to build your business and gain a competitive advantage in the new healthcare industry climate.
New Payment Models for Biologics & Specialty Drugs provides fresh insight into comprehensive plan design, selecting a benefits manager for your pharmacy network, legal compliance, and specialty pharmacy issues by addressing the effects these topics have on medical and pharmacy benefits and how their value is perceived. We’ll also discuss how plan design can affect your tiers and formulary. Is your business ready for recent changes in payment models and faster shifts in stakeholder alignments?
This class will also be offered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on January 13, 2015, as well as in Chicago, Illinois, on January 15, 2015. Seating is limited, so be sure to make your reservation to keep your competitive edge.
I’m sure you’ll see the benefit these classes can have on your business. We hope to see you there!
PS. Be sure to download the brochure and pass it along.